Friday, 23 October 2009

WARP20: Terminal 5 NYC / Sheffield

Great timing: On my recent holiday in New York, not only did we get to experience the wonders of the Big Apple, but our trip also coincided with the WARP20 event. The pioneers of the hypnotic groove introduced me to electronic music many many years back. A great night was had (even though I was recovering from a stinking hangover from the night before after my Sister in Laws wedding) with Pivot, Flying Lotus, iii and Battles representing the innovative label stateside. It was great to see the sheffield label being celebrated half way across the globe.

Two weeks later, WARP returned to Sheffield for a night of skewed electronics, this time with a great selection of UK artists (old and new) - Harmonic 313, Hudson Mohawke, Clark, Squarepusher, Nightmares on Wax, Andy Weatherall and Forgemasters.

Two amazing events, and the icing on the cake was when the coveted 20 years boxset designed by Yes Studio arrived a week later, Some great production values (audio and visual!).

Posted by: Matt