Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Digital Beings

Lovebytes 2007 is an International Festival of Digital Art & Media, bringing together outstanding creative work from the fields of music, film, art and design.

This year’s theme is ‘Process’ and focuses on the creative and technical systems involved in creating art with computers and digital technologies.

The cute little character’s you can see in the image below have been appearing on postcards all around Sheffield, branding the festival and digital technology with a warm, soft, fuzzy identity. But how does this tie in with ‘Process’?

Matt Pyke of
Universal Everything explains that each character is unique, and there are 20,000 of them out there! They have all been grown from a single ‘seed’, using a program which spawns different creature designs automatically through variations in parameters such as hair, colour, shape and size – it’ll even generate the characters’ own unique name.

Posted By: Yvette

1 comment:

toxi said...

You can also read more about the design process involved over here...