I like these postcards which are intended to represent the Tinsley Cooling Towers as viewed and experienced from within the community of Tinsley.
Photographer, writer and digital artist Ali White engaged local residents in lengthy and often heated conversations – on the streets, in the bookies, the Fox & Duck, the local library, Tinsley Youth Club and Tinsley Green – about how they perceive the towers, what they mean to them, and the place they have had in their lives. All the quotations emerged from these encounters, and many of the photographs were taken by local people.
Here are some of the quotes – spoken in a true 'Yorkshire man’s' tone of voice:
“I like them being there. I don’t know if I like them, but they give me a homely feeling. It’ll look odd when they’ve gone.”
“We used to mess about down there by the canal with the lads from Park House High School playing kiss-catch and tallyho and kiddin on the Irish navvies that were building the viaduct to come down the club for a babycham. We must have been about 14.”
“They’re just stood there doing nowt.”
“When I was a little lad running around in this pub, people knew what Tinsley was about and expected it to stay that way. But a little lad running round in here now – what will Tinsley be about for him when he’s 40? And what will he know of what it used to be? It’s not about the towers. To me it was a crime when the old 600 gates came down. There’s a lot of history here, and it mustn’t be forgotten.”
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