Monday, 10 November 2008

the Power of a Simple Gift - Operation Christmas Child

For me, seeing Daisy's little face light up on Christmas morning is one of my most favourite things, so when I heard about Operation Christmas Child I decided to make it a regular Christmas charity donation.

The idea is simple, fun and immeasurable in terms of what it must mean to children from some of the poorest places on the planet.

1. Get a medium sized shoe box and wrap it in Christmas Paper.

2. Decide if your gift is for a girl or a boy and the age category (2-4, 5-9 or 10-14yrs)

3. Fill the box with gifts that will bring the most delight to a child of that age.

4. Drop off at a designated collection point.

The boxes are then delivered to some of the poorest kids in the world regardless of nationality, political background or religious beliefs, many of them have never had a Christmas present before.

It's not world changing and it's not going to help these kids out of poverty, but hopefully it will make their faces light up on Christmas morning.

Find out more at:

Posted by: Bew

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